Follr Featured in “Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies” Book

Did you know that Follr is highlighted in the book “Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies” written by Joshua Waldman?

In the section “Casting a Wide Net with [] Online Resumes – Rethinking the Traditional Resume Format” Waldman states:

“In addition to assembling your various social networks [] Follr lets users combine all their contacts from their different networks[]. You can also incorporate your twitter and blog into your free site (or a blog that you follow), so the latest tweets and posts appear as soon as they’re published.”

Joshua Waldman

Joshua Waldman is an authority on leveraging social media to find employment. I addition to being the author of this book his writing has appeared in Forbes, Mashable and the International Business Times.

Joshua’s career blog,, helps thousands of readers each month to get ahead using his job advice. Joshua is a speaker and trainer who specializes in helping job seekers gain control of their careers in today’s competitive economic and technology climates. He presents keynotes, trainings and breakout sessions around the country for students, career advisors, consortiums and professional organizations.

With more than 250 million books in print and more than 1,800 titles the ‘For Dummies‘ series is the most widely recognized and highly regarded reference series in the world. Since 1991 ‘For Dummies’ has helped millions make everything easier.

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