Follr Support Series – How To Find Fans and Supporters Clubs

Follr contains community Websites for every sports team imaginable, soccer (AKA football), football (aka football), basketball, hockey, baseball and many other professionals, organizations and interest groups associated with the industry. The question is; how do you find one?

Please follow these steps – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

After you log into your Follr account you will see the Activity Screen:

Step 2:

This screen highlights two places to find new communities:

(i) From the top menu you can click on “Communities”:

(ii) In the right panel you will see “Discover Communities”:

Let’s look at both.

Step 3:

If you click on “Communities” from the top menu you see a page that by default shows you the communities you are currently a member of:

To discover new communities simply click on the “Find Communities” button:

and then type any word into either the “Search by Name” or “Search by Tag” fields:

As you enter text the results filter automatically:

You can click on any of the search results and join the community. There isn’t a limit on how many communities you can join.

Step 4:

If you click the “More >>” link under the “Discover Communities” section in the right panel you go to the same page and through the same process as detailed in ‘Step 3’ above but there is an extra layer of help – a popup that provides details about a specific community:

Again there isn’t a limit on how many communities you can join.

The Follr Personal Profile Website – An Overview of Mobile

What is responsive design or RWD?

“Responsive design (often abbreviated to RWD) is an approach to web design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).

When you consider just how much mobile dominates peoples attention the time is rapidly approaching when we spend more time on our phone than watching TV. As a result the importance of having Web content present effectively on mobiles and tablets can’t be understated. So we have made sure that every Follr Personal Profile Website looks as good as it can on every phone:

And here is now it will look on an iPad:

The default information displayed can be changed so you have the choice of highlighting your Social Wall, links or Timeline:

We will continue to post details on other aspects of Follr via this blog. Please let us know what you think!