Nike Customers View Kaepernick Favorably

This Thursday evening Nike is launching its Dream Crazy campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick, the former 49ers quarterback, for the start of regular season football. Kaepernick has not been picked up by any team since kneeling during the National Anthem last year to protest police shootings of unarmed black men in the United States. He is currently pursing team owners in court, alleging that owners colluded to keep him from getting picked up by any team after he became a free agent. Last week an arbitrator denied the NFL’s request to throw out Kaepernick’s collusion grievance. The incident has become a firebrand issue, stirring debates about free speech and racial inequality.

A poll conducted by YouGov reveals that recent Nike customers view Kaepernick more favorably than the general public does. Recent Nike customers were about three times more likely than the general public to have a positive view of the former quarterback.