Arsenal Fan Channel Focus: AFTV

Thumbnail - AltToday’s Fan Channel Focus is AFTV, an Arsenal YouTube channel.

Formed in 2012, AFTV is the largest football fan network in the world! With a bias towards Arsenal Football Club, they “are the authentic voice of the football fan, a place where the fan’s uncensored opinion can be heard before, during and after the whistle blows.”

Led by Robbie Lyle, pundits include Troopz, Lee Judges, Pippa, and Ty. If you want to be part of the Arsenal conversation, and join in the banter, then AFTV is the single best place to start.

Here is a recent video, “A Perfect Week For Arsenal As Spurs & United Go Winless!”:

You can connect with AFTV on:

The Web
and YouTube.

Let us know if there are other YouTubers, podcasters or bloggers you would like to see added to Follr!

Five Reasons to Start an Online Community

To Inspire FollrCreating an online community – especially one on! – can be so rewarding. One of the first steps is to get in the mindset of your target audience and define what it is you want he or she to gain from your community. Do you have special or unique knowledge someone can benefit from? Could you provide a new connection or idea for their business? In order to have an active and thriving group of members – or customers! – on your site, stay true to one of the reasons below.

  1. To Entertain

How many people spend a portion of their day reading blogs or visiting other social networks? I’ll tell you: everybody and their mother. People have long used the internet to relax, zone-out or just take a short break from work so use this fact to your advantage and create a community around perking up people’s downtime! Pick a favorite team, player or product as the launchpad for your community.

  1. To Boost Business

Giving your business a leg-up online is one of, if not THE, most popular reasons for starting an online community. Whether you choose LinkedIn, Facebook or a custom community platform like Follr, building an online presence for your business is a crucial – if not imperative – key to success.

  1. To Connect

One HUGE reason potential members join online communities is affirmation and praise. Completing the registration process and clicking “Join” means they want to be heard, appreciated and noticed for their accomplishments and accolades. Online communities for scholars, writers or more specific groups of achievers are great reasons to start or join and online community. Remember to engage with members directly and often!

  1. To Inspire

Another hot online community focus is self-help and improvement, especially fitness. In this current news era, happiness and mental health are more prominent than ever. Everyone wants to do what they can to better themselves. Offering a quick, easy and welcoming online group with which to do so is bound to have members flocking.

  1. To Fix a Problem

If I had a dollar for every time I looked online for a solution to a problem or a quick fix, I could probably retire! The Internet is so accessible that most people reach for the keyboard before the user manual. Establish an online community as an expert of something you love or create a question and answer forum for specific issues/needs – a sports team, a player, a fan community or group!