Football Fans Think Seasons Shouldn’t Kick Off as Planned

Source: Statista

As the coronavirus continues to ravage the United States and Major League Baseball’s return to play has been marred by positive tests from day 1, doubts over the upcoming football season are bigger than ever. While the 2020 NFL season is still scheduled to start September 10, two of the most powerful college football conferences in the country have called off all fall sports.

Defying a push from players to go ahead with the season as planned, the Big Ten and the Pac-12 announced their decision this week. “You have to listen to your medical experts,” Kevin Warren, the Big Ten commissioner, said in an interview on Tuesday. “There’s a lot of emotion involved with this, but when you look at the health and well-being of our student-athletes, I feel very confident that we made the right decision.”

While President Trump has been vocal about his support for the resumption of sports, even football fans have grown increasingly doubtful about whether or not the season should be kicked off as planned this fall. According to a Morning Consult poll 51 percent of NFL fans and 58 percent of college football fans think that their respective seasons should be either postponed or cancelled, with only 32 and 30 percent thinking it should be played as planned.

NFL Infographic

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