Which Premier League Team Has The Most Loyal Players?

Source: ticketgum.com

The idea of loyalty in football is seen as being something of the past, considering the game is a lot more “money” orientated, meaning players are always willing to move for more money.

To explore the most loyal players in Europe, Ticketgum analyzed statistics, taken from the CIES Football Observatory Atlas which shows the average months spent in a club by players in a first-team, revealing which Premier League club has the most loyal players, as well as loyalty levels across Europe.

Key Findings:

  • Tottenham Hotspur has the most loyal players in the Premier League, overtaking the previous most loyal club, Manchester United, as found in our 2017 study. Spurs players spend on average 49.3 months in the team
  • Aston Villa had the lowest of the Premier League clubs, payers only staying for an average of 14.9 months
  • The Premier League is the league with the most loyal players

For the full report visit ticketgum.com