How To Create a New Supporters Club Website

Follr contains community Websites for every sports team imaginable, soccer (AKA football), football (aka football), basketball, hockey, baseball and many other professionals, organizations and interest groups associated with the industry. The question is; how do you create one?

Please follow these steps – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

After you log into your Follr account you will see the Activity Screen:

Follr Support - Community Discovery 1

Step 2:

This screen highlights two places to see communities:

(i) From the top menu you can click on “Communities”:

Follr Support - Community Discovery 3

(ii) In the right panel you will see “Discover Communities”:

Follr Support - Community Discovery 2

Step 3:

If you click on “Communities” from the top menu you see a page that by default shows you the communities you are currently a member of:

Follr Support - Community Discovery 4

To create a new community simply click on the “Start a Community” button:

Follr Sports Community

Step 4:

You will then see the “Start a Community” page:

Follr Sports Community

Simply fill in the information and click the “Create Community” button at the bottom of the page.


(i) All fields marked with an asterisk have to be completed.

(ii) There isn’t a limit on how many communities you can create.

Adding Documents or Files to Your Follr Profile Website

If you ever need to add a document to your profile, like a PDF of your fantasy sports team, it’s quick and easy with Follr!

Here is how it’s done.

1: Log into your account:

Follr Login

2: Click the down arrow next to your profile image, and from the menu that pops down, select “Edit Profile”.


3: You’ll see a variety of options — all sorts of ways that you can personalize or modify your account, including adding your resume and contact information. Here’s also where you’ll add photo files, video links, or other types of documents in a variety of formats, up to 6 MB.


4: When choosing “Docs,” you’ll see an initial page that is where you’ll access the upload functionality. It’s also where your documents will display after you’ve loaded them.


5: Simply add your documents, either manually (A), or by dragging them into the window. Then upload them (B), and you’re done!
