Follr Support Series – How To Find a Job in Sports

Follr has integrated the indeed job data which gives you access to countless jobs in all industries including sports.

To find a sports job please follow these steps – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

After you log into your Follr account you will see the Activity Screen:

Follr Support - Community Discovery 1

Step 2:

Click on “Careers” in the top menu:

Sports Fan Communities

Step 3:

You will then see the “Jobs & Careers” page:

Sports Fan Communities

Step 4:

Enter in your search criteria:

Sports Fan Communities

then click the “Search” button to see all matching jobs:

Sports Fan Communities

Step 5:

Click the job title to see full details:

Sports Fan Communities

Sports Fan Communities

Now You Can See Which Social Network is The Most Effective

If you are a Follr Pro user you get detailed statistics that show you many things!

To access your statistics simply log into your account and click your profile image in the top right corner:

Follr Statistics

Click the ‘Statistics’ link which will show you the available reports:

Follr Statistics Choices

You can see who has visited your profile:

Follr Statistics Visitors

and also where people researched you. Are they more interested in your Facebook account or LinkedIn profile? This is invaluable information because it tells you where you should be focusing your marketing efforts:

Follr Statistics Clicks

Click here to create your Follr account today!