Follr Adds Squawka Videos to All Supporters Club Websites

SquawkaWe are excited to announce the addition of videos from Squawka to all supporters club Websites on Follr!

Squawka describes itself as “your best friend while watching a live football match on TV” adding it is a “second screen [] that delivers you real-time data on the football match you are watching on TV alongside social chat.”

It also includes ‘Stats worth Sharing’ – they “want you to be able to have informed discussions with other fans during matches.”

Here’s a recent video from the channel – “Manchester United 1999: Treble Documentary w/Squawka”:

You can connect with Squawka on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the Web.

Let us know if there are other YouTubers, podcasters or bloggers you would like to see added to Follr!

Follr Adds SPORF Videos to All Supporters Club Websites

SporfWe are excited to announce the addition of videos from SPORF to all supporters club Websites on Follr!

SPORF describes itself as “the voice of the fans, formed by a sports fan for all fans everywhere” adding it is a”a platform to empower diverse fans to create, consume, and connect within an ever-changing sports landscape on social.”

Here’s a recent video from the channel – “Hazard, Willian & Jorginho! | Ask Me Anything”:

You can connect with SPORF Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the Web.

Let us know if there are other YouTubers, podcasters or bloggers you would like to see added to Follr!