Follr Support Series – Finding Fellow Fans Using Tags – Connections Finder

Follr tags allow you to describe yourself personally and professionally. They also allow you to locate and connect with other likeminded fans.

To find and connect follow these steps – if you have additional questions give us a call on:

(888) 201-5160

or email:

Step 1:

After you log into your Follr account you will see the Activity Screen:

Step 2:

Click on “Connections” in the top menu bar:

Step 3:

There are four views under Connections:

  • Activity
  • Suggestions
  • Finder
  • My Connections

The default view is “Activity” – click on “Finder”:

Step 4:

You will see the “Connections – Finder” screen:

You can then search by any tag:

or last name:

Users are listed automatically and you just need to click on the ‘Add’ link to connect:

The default list of users is by “Follr Score” but you can alternatively sort them by Follr 500 and the number of connections that have. Just click on the double triangle symbol on the side of each column header:

The Global Game of Football

Source: Statista

Often referred to as the global game, football (i.e. soccer) is played, followed and talked about in almost every corner of planet earth. The sport’s biggest event, the quadrennial FIFA World Cup, is one of the biggest sporting events in the world, only matched by the Olympics in terms of its near universal reach. According to FIFA, 3.2 billion people watch at least one minute of World Cup coverage on TV in 2014, a number that will likely be matched by this year’s tournament in Russia.

The following chart, based on a Nielsen survey conducted in more than 20 international markets, shows where people are particularly fond of the global game and where interest in football is limited at best.